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Kolegium Prawa

International PostDoc Programmes in „New Technologies, Law and Social Sciences” – IV edition (2023-2024) and in „Globalisation and Human Rights” – I edition (2023-2024)

Also this year the “Department of Civil, Economic and Private International Law” of the Cracow University of Economics will be an organizational partner of the International Post-Doctoral Programmes in „NEW TECHNOLOGIES, LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCES” and in “GLOBALISATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS”, promoted by the “Mediterranea International Centre for Human Rights Research” of the Università “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria (MICHR, Italy) and the “Institute for Research and European Studies – Bitola (North Macedonia)”,  in collaboration with many other University Departments and Research Centres. 

The Programmes will allow the candidates:

– To meet important Professors from all over the world;

– To participate as speakers in international conferences and round tables;

– To publish for free in prestigious international (SCOPUS) journals and in collective books;

– To be co-supervisors of undergraduate and post-graduate students;

– To carry out an internship in Italy or in one of the several Universities involved in the Programme (or entirely online, if the candidates cannot travel).

The deadline to apply is August 15, 2023.